The Five Major Components of a Customer Data Platform

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Thinking about implementing a customer data platform (CDP)? Understanding the main components of a CDP is a good way to help make the decision …

Here are highlights from article The Five Major Components of a Customer Data Platform

1. Increased demand for personalized customer experiences
– CDP provides the foundation for marketing personalization and better customer journeys
– Unified customer profiles can be used by sales and service teams to improve customer support and close deals

2. Siloed data and the need to track multi-touch points
– CDP helps solve the problem of siloed data by providing a repository for internal and external customer data
– Can track customer interactions across multiple touchpoints

3. Demise of third-party cookies in 2024
– CDP implementation can be worth considering sooner rather than later due to the upcoming discontinuation of third-party cookies
– CDP can provide an alternative solution for audience segmentation and optimization of ad spend

4. Government regulations regarding privacy
– Consent management is an important consideration for CDP implementation, especially for marketing use cases
– Organizations need to manage and track consent for data usage

5. Five main components of a CDP
– Data Ingestion and Storage: CDP must securely store and manage customer data, with automated ingestion of external data sources
– Data Modeling and Processing: Design and create data models, create a data dictionary to highlight formula fields and data transformations
– Identity Management: Establishing and managing unique customer identities in the CDP
– Analytics and Insights: CDP provides tools for analyzing and gaining insights from customer data
– Data Activation: Ability to activate customer data for marketing campaigns and personalized experiences.

You can read it here:

Source from thespotforpardot(dot)com


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