New Gmail and Yahoo Protections and What to Do in Account Engagement

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Google and Yahoo made joint announcements in October 2023 that will affect all email marketers worldwide.

Just when you think you have email figured out, it changes.

Here are the quick facts:

Google and Yahoo have new requirements for companies that send over 5,000 messages to Gmail …

Here are highlights from article New Gmail and Yahoo Protections and What to Do in Account Engagement

1. New requirements for bulk senders:
– Companies sending over 5,000 messages to Gmail addresses in one day need to meet certain requirements.
– Applies to both Gmail and Yahoo accounts.
– Requirements include email authentication and staying below a 0.03% spam threshold.

2. Email authentication:
– Gmail and Yahoo emphasize the importance of domain authentication for user security.
– SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are the recommended authentication methods.
– Domain owners should check their Account Engagement domains for green checks on SPF and DKIM and set up DMARC authentication separately.

3. Spam threshold:
– Marketers need to stay below a 0.03% spam threshold, or 3 spam complaints per 1000 emails.
– Higher spam rates can result in emails being marked as spam or rejected.
– Aim for a 0.01% spam rate for better email delivery.

4. List-Unsubscribe header:
– Google requires large senders to include a List-Unsubscribe header in their emails.
– This allows Gmail recipients to easily unsubscribe with one click.
– Account Engagement already includes this header in all emails.

5. Monitoring spam rates:
– Marketers should monitor their spam rates in addition to email sent and click rates.
– Google recommends using Postmaster tools to track data on large volumes of emails.

Note: The article provides additional information and examples for each of these key areas, but the above points summarize the main takeaways.

You can read it here:

Source from greenkeydigital(dot)com


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