Eliminate Form-Fill Burnout with Account Engagement Progressive Profiling

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Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Progressive Profiling is an out-of-the-box way to get detailed prospect data without causing form burnout …

Here are highlights from article Eliminate Form-Fill Burnout with Account Engagement Progressive Profiling

1. Progressive Profiling:
– Out-of-the-box functionality for B2B marketers
– Gathers additional prospect data over time without lengthy forms
– Increases conversion rates and enhances user experience

2. How Progressive Profiling Works:
– Replaces previously completed form fields with new ones
– Gradually collects more information about prospects
– Displays short form with essential fields for initial engagement
– Flips completed fields with new ones upon subsequent engagement
– Asks for additional data in every interaction

3. Key Benefits of Progressive Profiling:
– Minimizes risk of data entry errors
– Seamless form submission exercise reduces burnout
– Easier and more effective segmentation and targeting
– Personalized content improves conversion chances
– Helps channelize marketing efforts in the right areas

4. How to Set Up Progressive Profiling:
– Create custom fields to collect incremental prospect data
– Create Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form

5. Success Factors for Progressive Profiling:
– Understand your target audience to determine the right fields to collect
– Regularly review and update your progressive profiling strategy
– Use personalization and automation to improve engagement and conversion rates
– Monitor and analyze data collected to refine and optimize your marketing campaigns.

You can read it here: https://sfdc.blog/ajcqn

Source from thespotforpardot(dot)com


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