Toni V. Martin shares business analyst insights from a Salesforce Admin’s perspective. We also cover business analyst roles, flavors, and career growth …
Here are highlights from article Toni V. Martin on Business Analysis Skills – Salesforce Admins
1. You might already be a business analyst (BA):
– Anyone who performs business analysis tasks is considered a business analyst.
– You don’t necessarily need certifications or years of experience to be a BA.
2. The flavors of business analysis:
– Different types of BAs exist depending on the size of the organization and the specific role.
– Small and medium-sized businesses may have BAs who also serve as Salesforce Admins.
– Larger organizations have more specialized roles for BAs.
3. Useful skills for BAs:
– Knowing when to say “I don’t know, let me look into it” is important.
– Salesforce is powerful but may come with added costs or time investments, so it’s important to gather more information before committing.
4. Getting started as a BA:
– Studying for the Business Analyst Certification can be a good starting point.
– Experience is crucial, and highlighting your business analysis skills as an admin can help.
5. Advice for getting business analyst experience:
– Look for opportunities to perform business analysis tasks in your current role.
– Utilize resources like Trailhead to gain knowledge and skills.
– Seek advice and guidance from experienced professionals in the community.
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Source from admin(dot)salesforce(dot)com