Our Dev Spotlight series explores the lives of individual developers as they share their journey to becoming a Salesforce developer and what it means to be a part of our worldwide community …
Here are highlights from article Todd Halfpenny Builds Lifelong Friendships and Skillsets in the Trailblazer Community
1. Todd Halfpenny’s journey to becoming a Salesforce developer:
– Todd switched to Salesforce development “by accident” when his career took an unexpected turn.
– He joined his brother’s startup, Caddify, as the Chief Mobile Technical Architect.
– Caddify is a Salesforce ISV partner that delivers a no-code platform for building mobile companion apps.
2. Todd’s use of Trailhead for learning Salesforce development:
– Todd spends time building his Salesforce development skills on Trailhead, Salesforce’s free learning platform.
– Trailhead provides well-documented and structured information that has been invaluable to Todd.
– He has achieved an impressive Salesforce MVP profile with 427 badges, four superbadges, and three certifications.
3. Todd’s favorite challenge and certification on Trailhead:
– Todd’s favorite challenge so far has been the Lightning Web Components Specialist superbadge.
– This superbadge was the last step needed to get his JavaScript Developer certification, which he felt was important for his role.
4. Todd’s recommendations for Salesforce Developers:
– Todd recommends that Salesforce Developers take the Administrator certification to gain a broad understanding of the Admin experience.
– He also recommends focusing on developing communication skills via Trailhead, such as the Effective Communication Skills trailmix.
– Todd emphasizes the importance of empathy and curiosity for software engineers, as well as prioritizing user needs.
5. Key takeaways for success as a Salesforce Developer:
– Developing a curious and inquisitive mindset is important for software engineers.
– Prioritizing user needs and being empathetic towards users is crucial.
– Effective communication skills, including listening, are valuable for developers.
You can read it here: https://sfdc.blog/pxsre
Source from developer(dot)salesforce(dot)com