The Salesforce Spring ‘24 release is just around the corner and the release notes have arrived as an early festive gift …
Here are highlights from article Salesforce Spring ’24 Features: Top 10 Admin Updates You Need to Know | Salesforce Ben
1. New Dynamic Forms with Related Object Fields
– Ability to display information from a parent record onto a child record
– No need to create formula fields or use “Quick Update” actions
– Can add fields from another record onto a Lightning Page
2. Device-Specific Salesforce Dynamic Forms
– Visibility rules based on device form factor for individual fields
– Can make fields specific to mobile or desktop
3. Dynamic Actions on Mobile for Standard Objects
– Dynamic Actions now supported on mobile devices
– Extends support from Winter ’24 release
4. Updated Analytics with Dashboard Ownership and Visualization
– Ability to transfer Lightning Dashboard ownership
– Ability to add images, rich text, and dashboard widgets in all Salesforce editions
– Ability to add up to five dashboard filters in all editions
– Ability to easily update fields in Lightning Report filters
– Ability to rearrange multiple report columns at once
5. New Account Intelligence View
– Allows quick filtering of accounts
– Displays statistics such as total value of open opportunities and next close date
You can read it here:
Source from salesforceben(dot)com