Discover how to leverage OpenAI’s powerful embedding capabilities to transform your Salesforce data into insightful, actionable embeddings. This guide provides a step-by-step process, complet …
Here are highlights from article Converting Salesforce Data into Embeddings with OpenAI and AWS Lambda
1. What is Embedding?
– Embedding is a method used in AI to sort data into groups of similar things.
– It makes it easier for AI models to understand and work with large amounts of information.
– It can be used with words, pictures, or other types of data.
2. How to convert Salesforce data to embedding using OpenAI API?
– The first step is to have a Salesforce account with API access and an AWS account with Lambda and IAM access.
– An OpenAI API key is also required.
– External libraries like OpenAI, numpy, and pandas need to be included as layers in AWS Lambda.
– The Python libraries are packaged in a ZIP file and uploaded to Lambda Layers.
– The layers are then attached to the Lambda function.
3. Source code and video demonstration
– The provided source code connects with Salesforce, fetches lead records, and uses OpenAI to convert the data into embedding.
– It also demonstrates how a searched parameter can be compared with a matched word using weightage.
4. Observations
– The Simple_Salesforce python library was not used as it would need to be imported as a layer in Lambda.
– Environment variables can be created in Lambda by navigating to the Configuration tab.
5. Outcome screenshot
– A screenshot of the outcome is provided, but the details are not mentioned in the article.
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Source from jitendrazaa(dot)com