Learn how to navigate multi-select picklist challenges! Discover a Salesforce Admin’s real-world approach to UI implementation and data utilization …
Here are highlights from article Alternatives to a Multi-Select Picklist – Salesforce Admins
1. Limitations of multi-select picklists:
– Data is stored as a semicolon-separated list of values, which can pose challenges when updating or importing data.
– Code needs to be written to parse the values from the string in order to use them in automation or integration.
– Only certain formula fields support multi-select picklists, and workarounds may be needed for certain operations.
– Multi-select picklist field data appears as a semicolon-delimited string in reports, with limitations on grouping and sorting.
2. Challenges in using multi-select picklists in a real-world scenario:
– BACA Systems, a company that builds robotic machinery, wanted to capture equipment information in multi-select picklists.
– The org had two multi-select picklists: one for capturing customer’s current equipment and one for capturing the equipment manufacturer.
– The biggest issue faced was the inability to easily update or use the data collected in reports and automation.
3. Solutions implemented by Andrew Russo:
– Created a custom UI to collect multiple values by allowing users to check boxes instead of using a multi-select picklist.
– Implemented a checkbox field for each equipment option and used automation to update the corresponding checkbox fields based on user selections.
– Used formula fields to display the selected equipment options in a user-friendly format.
– Utilized the updated checkbox fields in reports and automation, allowing for easier data analysis and manipulation.
4. Benefits of the implemented solution:
– Improved data standardization and ease of use for users.
– Simplified data updating and importing processes.
– Enhanced automation capabilities by eliminating the need for code parsing.
– Improved data visualization and analysis in reports.
5. Recommendations for working with multi-select picklists:
– Consider the limitations and challenges associated with multi-select picklists when designing your data model and UI.
– Evaluate if alternative solutions, such as custom UI elements or separate fields, may better suit your business needs.
– Test and validate your implementation to ensure data integrity and ease of use for end-users.
– Stay updated with Salesforce resources and community posts for tips and workarounds related to multi-select picklists.
You can read it here: https://sfdc.blog/DQKMu
Source from admin(dot)salesforce(dot)com