Advanced Sandbox Concepts for Salesforce Admins | Salesforce Ben

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Check out some advanced concepts that every Salesforce Admin should be aware of when developing and deploying changes …

Here are highlights from article Advanced Sandbox Concepts for Salesforce Admins | Salesforce Ben

1. Sandbox Clone
– Cloning an existing sandbox to back up development work
– Can only clone sandboxes of the same type
– Copies metadata and data as part of the process

2. Preview vs. Non-Preview Sandboxes
– Sandbox Preview allows testing of customizations before Salesforce release hits production org
– Refreshing sandbox within a preview window upgrades it to the newest Salesforce release first

3. DevOps
– Salesforce DevOps brings Admins, Developers, and Architects together for efficient deployment and testing of changes
– High-level steps: Plan, Create, Test, Release, Observe
– Principles common across different systems

4. Match Production Licenses
– Provisioning additional Salesforce products or features adds licenses to production org
– Production licenses can be matched in sandbox org without refreshing environment

5. Sandbox Expiry
– Sandboxes considered inactive and deleted if not used for 180 days
– Alerts sent at 90, 120, and 150 days of inactivity
– Manage Sandbox Permission required to receive alerts
– Log in at least once every 179 days to prevent deletion

6. Programmatic Sandbox Management
– Managing sandboxes from Setup Menu or Salesforce CLI
– Functions include creating, deleting, cloning, and refreshing sandboxes

You can read it here:

Source from salesforceben(dot)com


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